Curve Picker
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The curve picker is where curves displayed on the graph editor will be shown. Only curves of the selected nodes will be displayed in the graph editor.
Left click on a curve to select or deselect it for display on the graph editor.
Right click on “rotation” curve to toggle between euler and quaternion mode.
Select multiple curves for display on the graph editor
Windows : Shift
/ Ctrl
+ Left click
Mac : Shift
/ Cmd
+ Left click
To Select or Deselect all curves of a node, Click on the node name at the top.
Rotation curves are quaternion interpolation by default. Quaternion interpolation curves are assigned the ‘[Q]’ label e.g. “Rotation X [Q]”. To switch to euler, right click on the rotation curve and click “Set Euler”.
The numbers on the right hand side represents the total number of keyframes for that property at the current animation layer (see more on animation layers here).
Only curves with at least 1 keyframe will be displayed in the picker. If no curves are displayed, it means that properties of the selected node do not have a keyframe (at the active layer) yet. You can press “S” key to save keyframes of the selected node(s) into the current frame.